miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008


Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was an Irish playwright, poet, and author of numerous short stories and one novel. Known for his biting wit, he became one of the most successful playwrights of the late Victorian era in London, and one of the greatest celebrities of his day. Several of his plays continue to be widely performed, especially The Importance of Being Earnest. As the result of a widely covered series of trials, Wilde suffered a dramatic downfall and was imprisoned for two years hard labour after being convicted of "gross indecency" with other men. After Wilde was released from prison he set sail for Dieppe by the night ferry. He never returned to Britain.

Oscar Wilde was the second son born into an Anglo-Irish family, at 21 Westland Row, Dublin, to Sir William Wilde and his wife Jane Francesca Wilde (née Elgee) (her pseudonym being Speranza). Jane was a successful writer, being a poet for the revolutionary Young Irelanders in 1848 and a life-long Irish nationalist.[1] Sir William was Ireland's leading Oto-Ophthalmologic (ear and eye) surgeon and was knighted in 1864 for his services to medicine.[1] William also wrote books on archaeology and folklore. He was a renowned philanthropist, and his dispensary for the care of the city's poor, in Lincoln Place at the rear of Trinity College, Dublin, was the forerunner of the Dublin Eye and Ear Hospital, now located at Adelaide Road.

In June 1855, the family moved to 1 Merrion Square in a fashionable residential area, where Wilde's sister, Isola, was born in 1856. Here, Lady Wilde held a regular Saturday afternoon salon with guests including Sheridan le Fanu, Samuel Lever, George Petrie, Isaac Butt and Samuel Ferguson. Oscar was educated at home up to the age of nine. He attended Portora Royal School in Enniskillen, Fermanagh from the ages of nine to sixteen,[2] spending the summer months with his family in rural Waterford, Wexford and at Sir William's family home in Mayo. Here the Wilde brothers played with the older George Moore.

After leaving Portora, Wilde studied classics at Trinity College, Dublin, from 1871 to 1874. He was an outstanding student, and won the Berkeley Gold Medal, the highest award available to classics students at Trinity. He was awarded a scholarship to Magdalen College, Oxford, where he continued his studies from 1874 to 1878 and where he became a part of the Aesthetic movement, one of its tenets being to make an art of life. While at Magdalen, he won the 1878 Newdigate Prize for his poem Ravenna, which he read out at Encaenia; he failed, though, to win the Chancellor's English Essay Prize for an essay that would be published posthumously as The Rise of Historical Criticism (1909). In November 1878, he graduated with a double first in classical moderations and Literae Humaniores, or 'Greats'.

After graduating from Oxford, Wilde returned to Dublin, where he met Florence Balcombe. She, however, became engaged to the writer Bram Stoker. On hearing of her engagement, Wilde wrote to her stating his intention to leave Ireland permanently. He left in 1878, and returned to his native country only twice, for brief visits. He spent the next six years in London and Paris, and in the United States, where he traveled to deliver lectures. Wilde's address in the 1881 British Census is given as 1 Tite Street, London. The head of the household is listed as Frank Miles with whom Wilde shared rooms at this address.

In London, he met Constance Lloyd, daughter of wealthy Queen's Counsel Horace Lloyd. She was visiting Dublin in 1884, when Oscar was in the city to give lectures at the Gaiety Theatre. He proposed to her, and they married on May 29, 1884 in Paddington, London. Constance's allowance of £250 allowed the Wildes to live in relative luxury. The couple had two sons, Cyril (1885) and Vyvyan (1886).

After Oscar's downfall, Constance took the surname Holland for herself and the boys. She died in 1898 following spinal surgery and was buried in Staglieno Cemetery in Genoa, Italy. Cyril was killed in France in World War I. Vyvyan also served in the war and later became an author and translator. He published his memoirs in 1954. Vyvyan's son, Merlin Holland, has edited and published several works about his grandfather. Oscar Wilde's niece, Dolly Wilde, had a lengthy lesbian relationship with writer Natalie Clifford Barney.

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Happening of the Normal School Superior Santiago de Tunja is translated in an historical review and it is reflected as well in a pedagogical critical tradition, as it is demonstrated in the different landmarks from the institutional development.


“To be a Training institution of Teachers, recognized by its leadership in pedagogical investigation”


“The Formation of Teachers of quality trims in the pillars of the Education - to learn to know, to learn to do, to learn to live together and to learn to being - able to lead processes of human development”.


The Normal School Superior Santiago de Tunja, before National Normal School of Men of Tunja, was created according to Law 2 of 1870. It assumed like the first Director the Dr. Ernesto Hotschik that conformed, along with eight educators of high level of preparation, the First German Mission, contracted to technically advise and to organize the Normal Schools of the country in the respective State Capitals.The Normal School Superior Santiago de Tunja initiated its workings the 22 of September of 1872 in the old House of the Tower, today soothes of the Interior de Boyacá, with eight students granted a scholarship by the National Government. The 31 of October of 1873 graduate from the Normal School the first graduated teacher, Demetrio Cifuentes, in the pestalozziano method that at that time prevailed like pedagogical approach of the rising schools, based in the Naturalismo.

The Normal School Superior Santiago de Tunja, was identified in its beginnings by a philosophy of the education, framed in the Educative Nationalism of second the half, Sixties of century XIX, philosophy that propose an Integral Education based on the love to the country, sense universal humanist, sense of tolerance, sobriety, frugalidad, purity, moderation, templanza and, generally, virtue that is the ornament of a free and democratic society. In 1925 the pedagogical model was adopted “New School”; framed within active, current the pedagogy pedagogical of height in directed Europe to lay the foundations one more an education in agreement with infantile psychology and with the requirements of the modern life.

Around these educative ideas a group arose from remarkable educators of diverse countries of Europe and America (Dewey, Piaget, Claparede, Freinet, etc.) and by all means Colombian like: You take Cadavid Restrepo, Vernal Rafael Jiménez; insigne jurisconsulto and boyacense humanist, with pure nationalistic fervor and Agustín Grandson Horseman who invited to Boyacá to the educator Ovid Decroly who was in Colombia to exhibit the foundations on the New Education and the methods of Active Education. Vernal Rafael Jiménez retook the decrolianas ideas and advanced a true change in the direction of the schools of the department, along with the management of the educator Julius Sieber, that assumed rectoría in 1926.

In this stage, a reconstruction was done of the curriculum, aiming at the specialization of the educational ones in the main scientific disciplines like guarantee of one better pedagogical formation. A “additional Course of Specialization” was organized in the Normal School, which is considered simultaneously like the same origin of the first Faculty of Education that was based on the country, and, the foundation of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. This reach took place in 1893. This process, the then National Normal School of Men becomes the manager of the Mater Soul, because later by decree 857 of April 21 of 1934, the faculty of Sciences of the Education for women was created in Bogota which depended on the National Institute, and in Tunja the same Faculty of Sciences of the Education for men.

The government decided to fuse the two sectional ones so that they worked annexed to the National University; but the movement of protest in Tunja was impelled, pressure that gave rise to avoid the transfer and, indeed, the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia with character of Technological consolidated officially from the Sixties.In the direction of the Normal one also the Directors participated by that time Enrique Alvarez Bonilla, Youngest child Nates, Luis Alexander Márquez, Loyal Domingo, Miguel A. Rodriguez, Luis A. Sailor A., Domingo A. Combariza, Leonidas Cely, Luis Alberto Castilian, Rafael Table Or. Polished Germa'n, Arístides Zamudio and Jose Vicente Rodriguez.

Since then, the Normal School stayed as annexed to the University. In year 1975 one separated of this one in the public prosecutor although their pedagogical practical academic development and stays very compatible to the Mater Soul. At this moment, within the framework of the reconstruction, the Normal School Superior Santiago de Tunja has agreement with the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia.In year 1953 the diurnal section of Academic Baccalaureate was created “Miguel Jiménez Lopez” and in 1972 the Nocturnal one, with aims of experimentation and pedagogical practice of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia.

At all the times, according to the requirements and educative needs, the then National Normal School of Men, outstanding by the pedagogical renovation is had and to the interior of their administrative organization and academic modifications, adaptations and necessary changes established by the Ministry of National Education have arisen, for the educative quality, the projection to the community, the cultural extension at local, regional and national level, with a view to obtaining the integral formation of the educandos, in the levels of Pre-school, Basic and Average Academic. Also the educators Mardoqueo Santamaría and Eduardo Crowned Barajas exerted the functions of rectoría during half of century XX.

At the moment Superior Santiago de Tunja is director of the Normal School the Presbítero Second Rosendo Count Barrera. From 1988, it replaces to Aryan Takings Avila, it administers the Institution and it in the last induces years the implementation of the PEI, in agreement with the requirements of the General Law of Education and Decree 3012 of 1997, to l same time leads the plan of reconstruction of the Normal School Superior Santiago de Tunja. By the way, in the year of 1999, the Previous Accreditation with the model was obtained: Integral formation in the Context of the Hermenéutica Pedagogy and at this moment is working with a view to obtaining the Accreditation of Quality and Development.

The Hymn




With ardor and febrile enthusiasm

we intone a triumphal hymn

and we ignite with ardent yearning

of the study the immortal torch.


We pick up the triumphs that offer

the tenacious and constant work

of the effort that seeds in history

the simiente of mother country better.


Healthy minds in very healthy bodies

of Colombia the children will have

by anywhere the light we will take

this one always will be our eagerness.


To make mother country will be our motto:

to educate, to model, to instruct

they are blazons of a chest that cries out

of Colombia it will be the future.

The Flag

It is of divided rectangular form horizontally in three equal parts: blue that means prudence and honesty; target, purity and red joy and, alert.

The Shield

It was adopted as heraldic emblem of the Institution taking as it bases the form of the Spanish pointed cyma Shield and field of quarters tronchado, on which is letters N and S in yellow color and the Shield with the Institutional colors: blue, white and red. Framed by the bicephalous eagle of the shield of Tunja, with a crown that hidalguía symbolizes and the wisdom.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

Mr Hiram B Otis was the new american ambassador in England. He and his family needed a house so he decided looking for one.When he saw Canterville Chase, he liked and he wanted to buy it. But it was haunted. Lord Cnterville the owner of the house told Mr Otis about the ghost and his appereances to many members of the family. However Mr otis didn´t believe in ghosts and he bought the house. A few weeks later, the otis family moved into their new home. The family consisted of Mr .Otis, his wife, their three sons and their daughter.

Mr Otis and his famly arrived to the house. They had a very pleasant journey as they approached Cnterville Chase. The sky suddenly become cloudy and some large drops of rain started felling, the housekeeper. Mr Umney was waiting for them in the front door. As they got out of the carriage she bowed and said: welcome to Canterville Chase. They followed her into the house. Suddenly, when they were in the library, Mr Otis noticed a red stain on the floor, and the housekeeper said in a low voice: blood has been spilt there.

Mr Umney said too that the blood was of Lady Eleanor of Canterville. She was murdered by her husband Sir Simon de Canterville in1575. He mysteriously disappeared nine years later. His body has never been found, but his guilty spirit still haunted the Chase.

The next day in which Washington removed the blood stain it reappeared. The family though that it was very strange but they didn´t matter it. On the third night the family still couldn´t believe that there was a ghost in the house but on the fourth night they start to believe in ghosts. That evening they didn´t return home until nine o´clock.

The Otis family met in the dinning room at the breakfast. They talked about the ghost and the tricks that the twins played him. The rest of the week the house was quiet and everyone slept well. However the blood stain reappeared on the library floor every morning. Everybody laugh. Only Virginia was sad.

The ghost reappeared again on Sunday. He was so sad and he had an expression of terrible pain on his face and was rubbing his knee. The twins had their catapults on them and shot two balls of paper at him. The ghost screamed angrily and ran through them. When he was upstairs he decided to give his famous scream of evil laughter. Then, mrs otis appeared and gave him some medicine. The ghost couldn´t believe it and he disappeared to his secret room.

Chapter 5

Some days after the ghost was very ill. But the Friday of the august he appeared.He was wearing a long white sheet and a large hat with a red feather on it. First he would go the Washington´s room, but when he was in front of this he could look another ghost very similar to him. He was very afraid and he ran back as fast as he could but there he had other terrible experience and he rolled on the floor. Then the Canterville Ghost saw the sign of the ghost and he reads: The Otis ghost, the only true all others are fake. He understood the trick and he was to rest in his coffin.

Chapter 6

The next morning the ghost was very tired and weak. He stayed in his room for five days. He decided appeared only Wednesdays of every month, because he took very seriously his responsibilities as a ghost. For the next three Saturdays he walked along the corridor as usual but he was very careful. However the twins continued playing tricks on him. So, he decided to try to terrify the twins with his most successful disguise. But he had to support a new disaster. The twins fell down a heavy jug of water on the top of him. The poor ghost ran back to his room as fast as he could.

The ghost had lost all hope to frighten this rude family even he was so afraid of the twins. On the night of the 19th of September, he received the final blow. The poor ghost was surrounded by his enemies. He decided to escape through the chimney. After this the ghost was not seen again for a long time because his feelings had been hurt.

Without ghost the family´s life was quite. Mrs Otis organized a party to invite the Duke of Chesire. All though the ghost had gone away but really he was ill. He wanted to fright the duke but finally he decided not to leave to avoid the twins. So, the Duke slept safety in his bed.

Chapter 8

A few days later Virginia saw the ghost again. He was so sad that didn´t notice Virginia entering the room. Virginia decided to speak with him. The ghost was very surprised when the girl spoke to him.She told him she knew he killed his wife. The ghost accepted that. Then he told her his reasons to do it. Since those times he was unhappy and he couldn´t to sleep for three hundred years. In that moment he was lonely and sad. Virginia´s eyes filled with tears as she listened to him. The ghost asked her that help him to die. The ghost knew that if anybody cries for him and loved him he could to die. So he asked Virginia to pray and to cry for him for the Angel of Death will listen and have mercy on him. He told Virginia that she wi8ll listen terrible voices and she will look frightening things but her innocence will protect her. Virginia accepted to help him. He kissed Virginia´s hand and then they reached the end of the room. A moment later the wall closed behind them and the Tapestry Room was empty.

Chapter 9

Ten minutes later the family noticed Virginia was disappeared, they looked for her but she didn´t appear .They were worry even they asked for help to the police inspector. Later they were to the station but nobody could tell them anything. They returned to Canterville Chase at midnight, they had not found Virginia anywhere. Finally they decided to continue the search the next day. Just in that moment Virginia appeared. She was very white, she told her father she was with the ghost , he was dead and he gave her a box of beautiful jewels before he died. Virginia began to pray. They now understood Sir Simon de Canterville´s tragic end. He had been starved to death. Everybody were sad.

Chapter 10

Four days all these events a funeral procession left Canterville Chase. Lord Canterville and Virginia, Mr Otis and the rest of the family, Mrs Umney were in the funeral. Virginia remembers the ghost´s description of the cemetery and cried again. The next morning Mr Otis spoke to Lord Canterville about the jewels, and he said that Virginia must keep it as a souvenir of a ghost.

Some years later Virginia married the Duke and became the Duchess of Chesire and they went to the Canterville Chase, there Virginia remembered poor Lord Simon Canterville but she didn´t tell anything to her husband. Finally the ghost rested in peace.